Thursday, December 8, 2011

Global Day of Coderetreat in Milan

3th of December was a wonderful day, with around 25 enthusiast people joining the Global Day of Coderetreat.

The organizer of the event were me, Gabriele Lana, Giordano Scalzo and Sergio Berisso.

We decided to organize the event at the very last moment. The fact that I met Corey Haines, Peter Lind, and other guys in a pub in Stockholm two weeks before, talking also about this global event in motivated me.

It came in my mind about Lorenzo Sicilia and his FractalGarden location that I expected beeing available, so I thought that we could organize, and we did.

When back in Milan... after a rapid mail exchange with Giordano, Gabriele, Sergio and Lorenzo we had the confirmation from the location and... we made it!

The final announce was sent with a short notice, only one week before, but it went sold out in just one morning! Awesome!

We “self-sponsored” the food offering the breakfast and snacks for all day. We also get some Japanese food during the day. And of course we had some beer :D

Let's go to the day than: after a quick welcome, Gabriele Lana presented the format of the day and explained the value of the practices like coding dojo and kata.

Then we started.

The first two iterations were essentially free of rules, just to be confident about the problem, and comfortable doing programming, setting up the environment and so on.

I used an irish flute to signal the end of the iterations :)

Then in the following iterations we started suggesting some constraints like ping poing, primitive obsessions, and using immutable objects.

At the beginning we found some pairs needing help like when got stuck, and helped them and moreover tried to set up for the next iterations pairs in a way to prevent blocks.

During the 10 minutes retrospective between iterations, we encouraged attendees to share about their learning.

We closed the day with a final retrospective, and closing the circle.

Of course, we cleaned up at the end.

It was a fantastic day. And we are surely going to do it again soon.

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